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Blogger Content Will Bee Sensor By Google

CALIFORNIA - It was not just Twitter that impose censorship of content, Google is also rumored to also perform a similar action, although it is not known previously. Previously Google's move is not known, until TechDows blogger wrote about the plan on the country specific URLs on Tuesday. So over the coming weeks, bloggers will begin to direct the user on the domain with the name of the country-specific.

It is reported by Mashable, Friday (03/01/2012), in order to avoid the removal of the universal content, which will not be tolerated in certain jurisdictions. A support post blogger said, "Why is my blog URL is directed to specific state?" Is updated on January 9 and explained that Google uses these methods, to limit the impact of censored content.

So over the coming weeks, users will be directed to the bloggers domains with country code. For example, if users are in Australia and access to blogspot.com, it will be directed at blogspot.com.au, according to the location of the reader. According to Google, users are moved to the local domain will help to promote freedom of expression and allows the flexibility to comply with local laws.