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a 97 year old tried for the murder of 1200 people

BUDAPEST - A 97 year old male Hungarian nationality are now facing trial for alleged massacre of Serbs in 1942.

Sandor Kepiro by the foundation included a list of Simon Wiesenthal Center as a member of the most wanted Nazi war crimes.

Approximately 1200 of Jews, Serbs, and the citizens of Rome, was assassinated only within three days by Hungarian troops in the city of Novi Sad.

At the time of the trial, Kepiro said he was innocent and said the trial was just a circus.

Elderly man was walking with sticks to trial in Budapest, when he took a piece of paper sitting reading: "The killing of men aged 97 years."

Prosecutors said Zsolt Falvai, Kepiro directly responsible for the death of 36 Jews and Serbia, including 30 people who he ordered to be raised to the truck and shot dead.

Kepiro himself denied this and said he would help the five prisoners who would be killed by kopralnya, reports the BBC, on Friday (05/06/2011).

Hundreds of families gathered by the Hungarian army that was allied with Nazi Germany, in January 1942 on the banks of the River Danube in Novi Sad, the residents were also shot dead at the site.